
Monday, October 22, 2012

{Garage Sales Rock} Electronics Learning Stations

My husband is a mechanic, and could have been an engineer if he had wanted to; he thinks in physics-speak.  His brain soaks up all things electronics, and he has been waiting for Alyssa to be old enough to get an electronics learning station and go over all things electronics with her.  The stations costs like $60 brand new, so I've been on the hunt for a good sale.

A few weeks ago we made the rounds ("adventuring") to a few garage sales with the kiddos and stumbled upon a garage sale hosted by a guy with a similar electronics bug.  And voila!, 3 electronics learning stations, each marked $3.  The guy said they were each missing a few parts, so he sold all 3 to us for $3!  I cannot say enough how much I heart garage sales!!
I never knew these things existed, but they are pretty neat!  I'm pretty excited that my daughters will know how to operate a DVOM (digital volt and ohm meter) at a young age and get a head start on physics while spending super-quality time with Daddy!! 

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